當(dāng)前位置: 首頁-新聞動(dòng)態(tài)企業(yè)如何組建自身的呼叫中心


作者:admin 來源:本站 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-11-06 14:28:42
The call center needs to base on the enterprise development strategy so as to determine the final solution of the call center, and make the call center an integral part of the enterprise strategy. Modern enterprises pay more and more attention to the customer's lifelong value for their own long-term development.

1, in the overall planning stage, first of all need to clear what is the purpose of establishing a call center, is to provide customers with integrated management services program, or sales products?. We also need to know how the target customers are distributed and how much they plan to invest. The construction scale of call center should be based on enterprise development strategy to determine the target of call center, and make call center become an integral part of enterprise strategy.
2. The sources of information can be divided into three categories: traditional media, suppliers and the internet. Among them, the Internet as the fourth media, the amount of information, content is very rich. You can find the information you need by using various search tools and combining appropriate keywords. Search is also a learning process, by constantly adjusting search methods and keywords, you can gradually approach the final answer. Prior to construction, full understanding of the information can avoid the risk of decision-making.
3, the design of business processes, the use of call centers, not just simply in the current business process to add a technical layer. Successful CTI applications should combine technology transformation with business process redesign, transform business processes according to goals, or create new business processes.
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